Haiku are poems meant to capture a moment in time with simplicity and richness, and often express emotional insights into nature.
Haiku are unrhymed poems with
Five syllables in the first line
Seven syllables in the second line
And five syllables in the third line
We invite you to craft a haiku that highlights the importance of our Urban Growth Boundary in Petaluma and the natural beauty it protects.
Take a stroll through Petaluma's open spaces and let the inspiration flow.
City’s edge drawn tight,
Fields whisper of their old dreams
Vote houses and nature
Mayor McDonnell
City of Petaluma
Farms and homes co-exist
Plans to improve all our lives
Walk, bike, shop, views - thrive
Renata Brillinger
California Climate & Agriculture Network
Vote aye on the Y,
Boundaries drawn, land preserved,
Petaluma blooms.
Brian Barnacle
Petaluma City Councilmember
Trees sway in the wind,
Breeze whispers through grass and fields,
Protect your soul - VOTE!
Ann Hamilton
Greenbelt Alliance Resilience Manager
Keep the beauty close,
And friendly neighbors nearby.
Vote Yes on Measure Y.
An Estuary
Runs Through Joining East and West
The UGB Binds
Teri Shore
Sierra Club Conservation Chair